martes, 20 de mayo de 2008

It gets better

Go figure, after my humongous mishap at work last week, not only was I not fired. Today my boss called me to his office: Maria, can you come to my office please (dear God, he finally realizes what a mess I made...). My heart was pounding as I was repeating to my self: "I only care about my opinion, nobody controls me”, and I repeated this about 10 times. When I got there he offered me coffee or water I said no, thank you, needles to say in the middle of the conversation I ran for water. I would lie if I said that he was full of compliments, but he said: You have proved yourself worthy of this company, therefore we will start procedures to arrange your immigration in US, for you and your family, Dilbert would have a blast with this story (though I'm not sure that I would be pictured in my best light).

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Is this a good thing? How does JA feel about it? I hope all is going well and if it's a good thing, then congratulations!

Maria bonita dijo...


I guess you are right I don't know if it's good or bad. But thanks!